2012년 1월 13일 금요일

Meta fiction :

   Today, I went to my grandmother's house. I went there to see her, but there was nobody in the house. I was looking around the house. I went to the basement, and found a strange book. It looked like a storybook. I flipped the book, and suddenly I found a short story written in red and scary letters. I started to read it. The story was :

   It was a dark stormy night when I first saw him in front of the store. He was a strange man with dark clothes. The next day, he was there again. And the next day and the next... it looked like he was coming there every day with the same dark clothes. And then, strange things began to happen in my town.

  The store's owner was dead. His name was Mr.Keven. He was 40years old. Nobody know who killed Mr.Keven. This happened at 1:00 am so nobody saw the crime. Also, There was no CCTV in the store .
I've thought and thought about what happened. It was so strange. Few days later, one more person died on the street. It was really strange. Eric was the person who died. He was 39years old.Police and NCIS found that he visited the store about an hour ago befor he died.The police said that his death and the death of Mr.Keven were connected.So they searched on the computer for any kinds of clu but they couldn't found any.Next day, there was another death.The strange man with dark hat and dark clothes had suicied.His name was Yang.He left the paper and there were names.Keven and Eric.

  Actually, Mr.Keven and Mr.Eric have killed Mr.Keven's son. He killed the two people to make his son happy in the upper world, but his son might not want his father to kill other people.

It was weird. I thought that it was just a story, and not real. Then, after I went out of the basement, I found my grandmother in her room. I asked her about the book, and she said that it was a real story. I was very frightened. She also said that Mr. Keven in the story was actually lived in the next door. It was very scared to me.

- End -

I used Sang Eun's chain writing in this story. Thank you, Sang Eun !

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