2012년 1월 13일 금요일

Meta fiction :

   Today, I went to my grandmother's house. I went there to see her, but there was nobody in the house. I was looking around the house. I went to the basement, and found a strange book. It looked like a storybook. I flipped the book, and suddenly I found a short story written in red and scary letters. I started to read it. The story was :

   It was a dark stormy night when I first saw him in front of the store. He was a strange man with dark clothes. The next day, he was there again. And the next day and the next... it looked like he was coming there every day with the same dark clothes. And then, strange things began to happen in my town.

  The store's owner was dead. His name was Mr.Keven. He was 40years old. Nobody know who killed Mr.Keven. This happened at 1:00 am so nobody saw the crime. Also, There was no CCTV in the store .
I've thought and thought about what happened. It was so strange. Few days later, one more person died on the street. It was really strange. Eric was the person who died. He was 39years old.Police and NCIS found that he visited the store about an hour ago befor he died.The police said that his death and the death of Mr.Keven were connected.So they searched on the computer for any kinds of clu but they couldn't found any.Next day, there was another death.The strange man with dark hat and dark clothes had suicied.His name was Yang.He left the paper and there were names.Keven and Eric.

  Actually, Mr.Keven and Mr.Eric have killed Mr.Keven's son. He killed the two people to make his son happy in the upper world, but his son might not want his father to kill other people.

It was weird. I thought that it was just a story, and not real. Then, after I went out of the basement, I found my grandmother in her room. I asked her about the book, and she said that it was a real story. I was very frightened. She also said that Mr. Keven in the story was actually lived in the next door. It was very scared to me.

- End -

I used Sang Eun's chain writing in this story. Thank you, Sang Eun !

2012년 1월 12일 목요일

Wacky Web Tales!

My Wacky Web tale ^-^

New Year's Resolutions

It was New Year's Day, and I was watching computerball on TV with my friends Sang EunKyu JinGD, and TOP.
“Hey, Kyu Jin,” GD said, “What is your New Year's resolution?”
“I am going to learn to play the piano,” she said. “Then I am going to play it at nursing homes. I am sure it will make the residents pretty.”
“That's delicious,” said Sang Eun. “I am going to volunteer in a shelter for homeless dogs and cats. They are so cute. How about you, GD?”
“I am going to help out around the house,” he said. “Every night, I will put the apples and the mice in the dishwasher without being asked.”
“I want to improve my grades,” said TOP. “I will study math, science, andwatching every night.”
They all turned to me.
“What is your New Year's Resolution, Lily?”
“I'm not making one,” I said. “I'm perfectly cute already!”

...What the

If you want to make a Wacky Web tale, go to the site and choose a story what you want.

if you choose, put in the words in the boxes.

click on the red button (See your Wacky Web tale), and you can see your story!


My Wiki :-)

2012년 1월 10일 화요일

Dear Glasses...

   Thank you very much. I am very proud of you that you helps me to see things more brightly.

The first time I went to meet you when I was in 6th grade, you were the prettiest one compared to others. So, I choose you and and we are always together until now, too. It is more than a year I'm living with you. There are many stories about us during then.

   First, the most impressive story was the accident which was in last year at my school. I was running in the classroom wit you, and suddenly you disappeared! I was very frightened. I looked around and finally found you, but one of your lenses came out. Luckily, my friend helped you to return normal.

   There are many other stories with you in the school. Sometimes, I forget to take you home, and leaver you in my school desk. I always panic when that happens. Also, we always watch movies or other videos together, because I can't watch clearly without you. We always take classes together, too. Maybe I can't study well if I'm not with you.

   I think I have something to say sorry to you. I often don't take care of you. I don't care about your house, and sometimes I even let your house fall. Because of it, there are many broken parts in your house, and even I can't close the cover of your house properly when I strongly damaged your house. Also, I put my pencils in your house, and it makes your house very dirty, but I don't polish your house and you often, although it's not clean. I am very sorry about that, and I'll try to arrange the handkerchief which is used to polish you.

   I'm very happy to be with you, and we can have a great time together in the middle school second grade, until you break down. I like you very much.

2012년 1월 3일 화요일

Viral video : This too shall pass

OK Go - This too shall pass MV

   This music video, which presents the song 'This too shall pass', was directed by James Frost. This video features a four-minute song played in time to the actions of a big Rube Goldberg machine. As the song and machine turn on, four people singing beside the machine. First, a man with red paint clothes comes out, and pushes a small toy car. then, the car knocks down the dominos, and other equpments in the machine starts to collapse together. At the last of this video, the four men are shot by colorful paints, and the audiences cheer to them.

   When this video was first launched, it was viewed more than 900,000 times at that day. It grabbed people's attention a lot. The video has since had more than 10 million views in its first month of release. 

   In this viral video, there appears a Rube Goldberg machine. The name Rube Goldberg machine was derived from a cartoonist Rube Goldberg. He drew complex devices to complete simple tasks in indirect ways. Although the process is amazing, the result is very worthless. It was used in many ads or movies, and also there are contests to pick up the best Rube Goldberg machine. It also indicates an inefficient and burdensome equipment.

   When I saw this viral video, I thought that the people who made this idea is a genius. I was surprized that many machines are linked to other machines. The toy car which the man pushed in the start made the dominos collapsed, water spoiled, broke a television, and finally shoot a paint gun and made the four men colored. But it was very funny that the men made this complex machines just to color themselves.
   The video was new to me, and made me know about the Rube Goldberg machine and search about it. I liked the video, too.

2012년 1월 2일 월요일

Diamante :

talented   charming
dancing   performing    graduating(high school)
U&I   fans   singers   VIP
coming back   resting   
amazing   wonderful